What Blue Beyond is About: Our Aims and Values
Blue Beyond is explicitly pro-Young Conservative. We encourage holding the Party accountable to where policy is lacking and internal opportunities are inadequate.
We praise the Party for the progress the official Young Conservatives have made since 2019, and the opportunities they have started to provide.
However, we still do not feel that the current political environment works for everyone. Our new work will focus on making voices from a variety of backgrounds and communities across the UK heard, and breaking down numerous barriers that prevent young people from accessing politics.
We don’t believe that politics should move outside of Westminster completely, but we believe that everyone who wants to get involved in politics should have the resources to help them achieve their goals and reach their potential.
Blue Beyond is by Young Conservatives, for Young Conservatives.
Aims and Values:
To promote the needs of Young Conservatives
Hold the party accountable in ensuring that young people are not forgotten. Whether this be through policy changes or internal party operations activities.
Aiding in tackling the barriers for young people to enter politics. Whether these be social, educational or financial.
Promoting the importance of the Union.
Not anti-Conservative Party but pro-Young Conservative.
Our Focus
Mental Health
Internal Party Workings
GetHerIN: Our programme to get more women into politics
Safety of political activists, from the grassroots and then as they enter the more mature political environments.
Doors Open: Our programme to help people that struggle to access politics due to their social, financial or educational backgrounds enter politics. Through mentoring, advertising opportunities, roundtables.