Douglas Ross is the perfect candidate for leader. Here’s why
Summer 2014 will go down in history for a variety of reasons. I was a quiet chap, struggling immensely with being bullied and having just survived a year of doing 5 Highers which were way out of my depth. I was a shell of the person I am today.
Scottish independence referendum, 2014
Helping out at a local seafood festival one Saturday on the stunning promenade in Lossiemouth. I came across a stall called Better Together – I knew some stuff about the Independence Referendum but admittedly not a lot, and recognized the familiar enthusiastic, charismatic and then rather youthful face of a Councillor by the name of Douglas Ross.
I had first encountered Douglas a few years previously as I led a campaign to save a local play park. Even though this park was in an entirely different council ward, this junior Councillor at the time got stuck in and helped us drum up a storm, ultimately resulting in the saving of the park.
As I am certain everyone will discover in the coming months and years, this then Councillor had a way of persuasion that can only be described as the ability to sell ice to an Eskimo.
I duly signed up for the Better Together campaign, if only I knew that this meant unwillingly signing up for a politics hobby that has spanned every day since!
Alas a few days later, I woke up to a series of texts asking me to help out with a small campaign team that were coming to Moray. I was really hesitant at first, I didn’t have any confidence to speak to anyone that wasn’t close friends or family but a certain someone’s eroding tenacity did not really give me a choice in whether I helped or not.
Fast forward 24 hours, I am stood at a driveway only a few hundred meters away from where I signed on the dotted line. Douglas using, perhaps, unorthodox methods of persuasion maintained that none of the campaign group were to move unless I had knocked on the door of this house and spoke to a potential voter. I could tell I needed to hurry up as I think Douglas was refereeing an Aberdeen football match later that afternoon. Although, being a rugby fan, this didn’t bother me… but I’m a team player and I began a wee donder up the driveway.
2015 General Election, with Ruth Davidson
A mere 20 minutes later, I was flying through the doors, speaking to as many people as I could encouraging healthy debate with a focus on the principles of respect and honesty as directed by Douglas. This awesome sense of confidence and responsibility came across me and has never left me in every aspect of my life. To this day I cannot thank Douglas enough for doing this – he will always downplay it but he really did change a life that day.
Six years later, Douglas is now poised to take the jump to lead our party. Douglas served the people of Moray and the Highlands and Islands at every single level of government. Including the brief stint in the government, which he resigned on principled grounds and gained huge plaudits from every corner in the constituency.
I have been exceptionally proud and honoured to work with Douglas every step of the way. Douglas has not been lucky or the beneficiary of coincidence. This meteoric rise is based on ability, accountability and responsibility alone. As a 23-year-old Conservative, I do not for one second believe I could have had a better role model in the party.
Craig and Douglas at the 2016 Holyrood elections.
Douglas’ career has revolved around one single aspect, an unwavering, undeniable love for Moray. Every single fibre in Douglas’ body has been dedicated to representing, helping, serving and fighting for everyone in Moray regardless of their political colour. Every business, every community, every person Douglas speaks to he has the ability to captivate, motivate and encourage us all to work together for the best outcome whether the Party Whips like it or not.
Having been let down by Angus Robertson for over a decade, Moray has relished in the ability to have an honest and hardworking local lad representing all of us. We want to question Douglas’ actions? He will answer them with a clear, concise explanation without fail. He is a worthy and honourable gentleman that we are so proud to call one of our own in Moray.
I am so excited to have Douglas and his talents brought to the national forefront having dominated the North East with two exceptional wins in 2017 and 2019. We have someone here who wants to bring the party away from traditional and comfortable methods of bashing the opposition and bring forward a dynamic, robust plan to lead a prosperous Scotland in a successful United Kingdom. Where every voice matters, where every household deserves a visit from their representatives. Whether they live in a tower block in Glasgow or the most rural parts of Sutherland.
2019 General Election
We will make the effort to be the community champions, to be the team player, to trust local communities to make their own decisions away from the corridors of power in Edinburgh. We will be the ones to speak up for the real Scotland. I make no understatement when I say; strap in folks, this is about to go off.
On a personal level, I want to send my best wishes to Douglas, it is an honour to call you a friend. You deserve this. From the rainy, cold, dark nights in Fochabers when it was just me and you with a hundred doors to knock, to taking up residency in the Scottish Parliament, to beating Angus Robertson in the greatest night in our local party’s history, to taking your place behind the Despatch Box as a UK Government minister, to leading our party with literally thousands upon thousands of people behind you to become our First Minister next year. You have worked so hard and it has been worth every second.
But, for goodness sake take some time to stop. Have a wee rest with your feet up, just once in a while – presumably after Krystle decides what renovation she wants next!
Craig Stewart-Toner