Young Conservatives Describe Conservative Party General Election Campaign As ‘Embarrassing’ and ‘Desperate Attempt for the Older Vote’

Polling conducted by Young Conservative think tank, Blue Beyond, reveals that over 75% of those polled said they were very unsatisfied or unsatisfied with the current state of the Conservative Party.

Grassroots think tank for Young Conservatives, Blue Beyond, polled its members on the current state of the Conservative Party in the initial weeks of the General Election campaign. Blue Beyond helps amplify the voices of young conservatives who feel disconnected from Westminster and policy making.

Polling revealed that 84.5% of members believed that Conservative Party policy does not have young people in mind, up from 77% in polling conducted last October. When asked why, Beyonders cited lack of policy offering to young people, failure to address the housing crisis, intergenerational inequality, and the campaign being centred around the ‘grey vote.’

Just over half (55.5%) of Young Conservatives polled said they would vote Conservative on the 4th July. When asked who should replace Rishi Sunak if the Conservatives lose the election, half of those polled said they would like Penny Mourdant to be leader. Kemi Badenoch and James Cleverly came in a distant second and third place, respectively.

Over 60% of Beyonders polled said they did not support the proposed Triple Lock Plus. Beyonders were split on the proposed National Service policy, with 35% supporting the policy, 37% opposing, and 27.3% responding maybe.

The top five policies Beyonders want to see in the manifesto: increasing house building (70%), NHS reform (67%), investment in nuclear power (65.5%), lower national insurance for young professionals (50%), and creating low tax zones in former industrial cities (47.3%).

Liv Lever, Director of Blue Beyond said:

This is a sad set of polling results. Post-election, we are urging CCHQ to meet with us to set up a council to address the apparent crisis we are facing when it comes to Conservatives under 30.”

“There are parts of the manifesto that are welcome, such as the pledge for 1.9 million new homes. But, with NIMBYism rampant amongst Conservative candidates and wider society, we would like to see more substance on tackling these issues.

Notes to Editors: 

  • Blue Beyond is a grass-roots think-tank created to engage Young Conservatives from across the United Kingdom. We aim to promote greater engagement within the youth wing of the Conservative Party. To make all in our party feel like they have a voice, no matter where they live. We want to engage our youth in policy discussions to understand the biggest issues that face the young people in our party and country. We work to ensure those who face various barriers are able to access politics and reach their potential. To ensure the Conservative Party is sustainable, it must appeal to younger generations.

  • Blue Beyond is for Young Conservatives aged 16 - 30, and is the only and longest serving think tank for young conservatives. 

  • Urgent press enquiries should be made to our twitter account, and non-urgent media enquiries can be made via our website. 

  • Blue Beyond’s twitter handle is @blue_beyond_       

  • Liv Lever is the Director and her twitter handle is @Liv_Lever